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Browsing Articles Written by

Val Giordano

Val is a freelance writer and editor with 10+ years of experience. He's been writing about book data management, publishing, technology, and other subjects.

How Booklinker Uses ISBNdb to Help Authors Sell More Books

Customer Success Stories By July 25, 2023 Tags: , ,

At our aim is to provide the largest ISBN database possible for publishers, booksellers, software developers, libraries, educational institutions, and all other organizations involved in the book industry. It’s a great pleasure for us to find out about new interesting ways of the ISBNdb book database usage by our customers. Today we’re happy to share the Booklinker team story, introduced by Austin Tuwiner, the Growth Manager at Booklinker.

ISBN Lookup as the Most Reliable Method to Find the Right Book

Book Data By July 6, 2023 Tags: , , ,

ISBN Lookup for Book Professionals

ISBNs, or International Standard Book Numbers, play an integral role in book identification and handling. Publishers, booksellers, software developers, libraries, educational institutions, and all other organizations from the book industry rely on ISBNs in their everyday work. Nowadays ISBNs are used in more than 150 countries worldwide.

Book Identification in Pre-ISBN Era

Book Publishing Industry By May 22, 2023 Tags: , , ,

Book Identification in Pre-ISBN Era

We are used to searching by ISBN as the easiest way to find book data. However, ISBN is a relatively new book identification method, widely adopted in the 1970s.

When Johannes Gutenberg produced the first printed book in the fifteenth century, he probably wasn’t too concerned about book identification – his printed books never carried even his name or publishing date. That wasn’t a big deal because the book industry was in its infancy, and few books were published back in the day.

The ISBN System: The History and Evolution of ISBN Number

Book Publishing Industry By May 3, 2023 Tags: , ,

Voracious readers know that every book has one thing in common. No matter what genre, length, publisher, or art that adorns its cover, every book has an ISBN. That is, provided it was printed after 1970.

You’ve likely noticed a barcode with a serial number on the back of the book you’re reading. It’s easy to think that this is just for the cashier at your local bookstore to swipe, but it’s so much more than that—it’s an ISBN!

The Big Five Publishers: Blocked Merger

Book Publishing Industry By May 2, 2023 Tags: , , ,

The Big Five Publishers

US Government Pulled the Plug on Big Five Merger

Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster were about to shrink the “Big Five” of publishing to the “Big Four”. However, the US Department of Justice had an objection to those plans. As is sometimes the way with government agencies, the objection turned into the merger being blocked.