The World’s largest book database™ & API

New Data Point and Publish Date Updates

Product News & Updates By March 18, 2021 Tags: ,

Lately, we have made two major improvements to our book database, enabling users to access even more comprehensive and accurate information about books.

The first upgrade is a new data point-related ISBNs. This feature allows users to reference other ISBN editions and formats related to a particular book, providing a more complete picture of the book’s publication history.

Higher API Request Limits for Premium and Pro Plans

Product News & Updates By November 23, 2020 Tags: ,

We are excited to announce that we have increased the API request limits for our Premium and Pro plans, providing our valued customers with even greater flexibility and power.

Under this new arrangement, the Basic plan will continue to have a 1 request per second limit, while Premium Plan subscribers will benefit from a 3 request per second limit, and Pro Plan subscribers will enjoy a 5 request per second allowance.

API 1.0 Discontinued

Product News & Updates By May 13, 2020 Tags: ,

We want to inform you that API 1.0 is discontinued and will no longer be supported. However, all existing API keys will continue to be valid, and you may continue using them without any interruptions to your service.

To ensure that your code runs seamlessly, we recommend that you format it according to the latest API 2.0 documentation, which can be accessed at