ISBNdb Book Data Importer for Shopify

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Say goodbye to time-consuming manual product entry. Add new book products to your Shopify store in a few taps!

  • Grab the free ISBNdb Shopify app
  • Activate your API key (subscription starts from $14.95 per month)
  • Perform a simple app configuration to process imported book data, tailoring it to your preferences
  • Enjoy, you are ready to go!

Now, entering a books’ ISBNs or just scanning physical books is all it takes! Paste ISBNs in bulk, or use the barcode scanner, and watch as your books metadata is magically pulled in and the book is published for sale.

Get ISBNdb SubscriptionInstall ISBNdb Shopify App

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Book products

Сreate book products on Shopify in seconds

Enter an ISBN to import book meta data from the ISBNdb database

Add Book by ISBN
Map products

Map any product field with corresponding ISBNdb data to adjust the import if needed

Create book products in bulk (paste up to 20 ISBNs at a time)

Bulk products
Scan physical books

Scan physical books and add products to your Shopify store even faster!

Kindly note that the app requires an active subscription to

The Basic plan ($14.95/mo) allows you to make 5,000 daily calls.

Utilize 7-day free trial to ensure the application aligns with your needs.

Get ISBNdb Subscription Install ISBNdb Shopify App