World Beyond: An Anthology of Papua New Guinean Speculative Fiction (Hibiscus Three Anthology series)

Full Title: World Beyond: An Anthology of Papua New Guinean Speculative Fiction (Hibiscus Three Anthology series)
ISBN: 9798434119030
ISBN13: 9798434119030
Authors: Dr Kirsten McGavin PhD
Vanessa Gordon
Marie Kima
Ruth-Ann Kwimberi
Kirsten McGavin
Augustine Minimbi
Jeremy Hau'ofa Mogi
Deborah Salle
Martha Schulze
Roberta Tonar
Publisher: Random Publisher
Publish Date: 2020
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 300 pages
Language: English
Dimensions: Height: 8 in, Length: 5 in, Width: 1 in

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