Gótico botánico: Cuentos de un verdor perverso

Full Title: Gótico botánico: Cuentos de un verdor perverso
ISBN: 8419581763
ISBN13: 9788419581761
Authors: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Alphonse Daudet
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
White F. M.
M. R. James
Eli Colter
Richmal Crompton
H. P. Lovecraft
David H. Keller
John Collier
Clark Ashton Smith
Eudora Welty
Maria Moravsky
Margaret Saint Clair
Roald Dahl
Mary Elizabeth Counselman
August Derleth
Zenna Henderson
Isabel Márquez Méndez
Publisher: Random Publisher
Edition: 1st
Publish Date: 2020
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 300 pages
Language: English
Dimensions: Height: 8 in, Length: 5 in, Width: 1 in
Weight: 1 lb

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