History of the war in South Africa: containing a thrilling account of the great struggle between the British and the Boers, including the causes of the conflict, vivid descriptions of fierce battles, superb heroism and daring deeds, narratives of personal adventures, life in camp, field and hospital, etc., etc. : together with the wonderful story of the Transvaal, the Orange Free State, Natal and Cape Colony, the Kaffirs and Zulus, richest gold and diamond mines in the world, etc., etc.
Full Title:
History of the war in South Africa: containing a thrilling account of the great struggle between the British and the Boers, including the causes of the conflict, vivid descriptions of fierce battles, superb heroism and daring deeds, narratives of personal adventures, life in camp, field and hospital, etc., etc. : together with the wonderful story of the Transvaal, the Orange Free State, Natal and Cape Colony, the Kaffirs and Zulus, richest gold and diamond mines in the world, etc., etc.
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