U.S. Government
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Prices at the Pump: Market Failure and the Oil Industry: Hearing Before Antitrust Task Force of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of R
Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 - Formerly Secret Government Documents, NSA, CIA, Pentagon, Navy, Air Force, White House - JFK, Khrushchev, Castro, U-2 Spy Plane Photos, Naval Blockade (CD-ROM)
21st Century Complete Guide to Bahrain – Encyclopedic Coverage, Country Profile, History, American Government Information (DOD, State Dept., White House), CIA Factbook
2008 Country Profile and Guide to Malawi- National Travel Guidebook and Handbook - USAID, Doing Business, African Crisis Response Initiative, Peace Corps, Energy in Africa (Two CD-ROM Set)
Proliferation, threat and response
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