Thomas Hewerdine
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The common prayer-book no English mass-book: a sermon preach'd at the church of Bassingbourn in the county of Cambridge; July 14. 1717. ... By Tho. Hewerdine, ...
The common prayer-book no English mass-book: a sermon, preach'd at the church of Bassingbourn in the county of Cambridge: being the anniversary of the ... of the said church. By Tho. Hewerdine, Vicar.
Some plain letters in the defence of infant baptism and of the mode of baptizing (now generally used in the Church of England), which may serve, for a ... The reason why not infant-sprinkling (1699)
The Countrey-curate to the Countrey-people. Endeavouring a Plain Account of the Cross in Baptism, Kneeling at the Holy Communion, the Wedding-ring, ... Shewing the True State of the Toleration.
A second address to the Anabaptists: being a vindication of the former from the exceptions made to it in a late paper, entituled, A brief reply &c. by ... By the author of the Serious address, &c.
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