Thomas Barlow
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Brutum Fulmen: The Bull of Pope Pius V Concerning the Damnation of Q. Elizabeth. Second Edition
Brutum fulmen: or, The bull of Pope Pius V. concerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition of Q. Elizabeth, as also the absolution of her subjects from their oath of allegiance (1681)
Several Miscellaneous and Weighty Cases of Conscience: Learnedly and Judiciously Resolved
Traité Des Loix Civiles, & Écclésiastiques, Faites Contre Les Hérétiques, Par Les Papes, Les Empereurs, Les Rois Et Les Conciles Généraux ...: Avec Un Discours Contre La Persecution (French Edition)
The Gunpowder-treason with a discourse of the manner of its discovery, and a perfect relation of the proceedings against those horrid conspirators, ... tryals, and condemnations (1679)
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