T. W. 1549
Retrieve the information about T. W. 1549 and his books on the go! Keep your project up to date with the ISBNdb book database searchable via API with 19 data points per book available.
[Summarie and short meditations touching sundry poynts of Christian religion] [gathered by T.VV. and now published for the education and profit of Gods saints]. (1610)
A booke of Bertram the priest, concerning the body & blood of Christe, written in Latien to Charles the great being Emperour, aboue seuen hundred yeeres agoe; and translated (1582)
A Christian and learned exposition vpon certaine verses of that eight chapter of the Epistle of that blessed Apostle Paule to the Romanes, and namely, ... VVritten by T.W. (1587)
An Excellent and Plaine Discourse of the Church, Whereby the Godlie May Knowe and Discerne the True Church, from the Romish Church. Written in French
A forme of preparation to the Lordes Supper meete for all such as minde with fruite and comfort to communicate in the same / written by T.W. (1587)
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