Rene Descartes
Retrieve the information about Rene Descartes and his books on the go! Keep your project up to date with the ISBNdb book database searchable via API with 19 data points per book available.
L'Homme De Rene Descartes Et Un Traitte De La Formation Du Foetus Du Mesme Autheur (1664) (French Edition)
Lettres: Ou L'On a Joint Le Latin de Plusieurs Lettres Qui N'Avoient Ete Imprimees Qu'en Francoise ..., Volume 2... (French Edition)
Regulae ad directionem ingenii / Regeln zur Ausrichtung der Erkenntniskraft
Discourse on Method
Renati Des Cartes Specimina Philosophiae: Seu Dissertatio De Methodo (1672) (Latin Edition)
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