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P. Ovidii Nasonis Carmina, Vol. 1: Heroides, Amores, Med, Formae, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris, Poetae Ovidiani (Classic Reprint)
Ausgewählte Gedichte: Für Den Schulgebrauch Herausgegeben Von Heinrich Stephan Sedlmayer (German Edition)
Publi Ovidi Nasonis Poemata Quaedam Excerpta: Selections From the Poems of Ovid; Chiefly the Metamorphoses (Classic Reprint)
Les Oeuvres d'Ovide, Vol. 3: Contenant: L'Art d'Aimer; Le Remede d'Amour; L'Art d'Embelir le Visage, Et l'Elegie du Noyer (Classic Reprint) (French Edition)
Artis Amatoriae Libri Tres: Remediorum Amoris Liber, Medicaminum Faciei Fragmentum (German Edition)
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