Malcolm Flemyng
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A new critical examination of an important passage in Mr. Locke's Essay on human understanding; in a familiar letter to a friend. To which is added, ... ... with a translation in prose.
Neuropathia: sive, de morbis. Hypochondriacis, et hystericis, libri tres, poema medicum. Cui praemittitur dissertio epistolaris prosaica ejusdem ... Milcolumbo Flemyng, M.D. (Latin Edition)
Adhesions, or accretions of the lungs to the pleura, and their effects on respiration considered, both with respect to theory and practice, in a letter to Dr. George Baker, ...
An introduction to physiology, being a course of lectures upon the most important parts of the animal oeconomy: in which the nature and seat of many ... and explained; ... By Malcolm Flemyng, M.D.
A dissertation on Dr. James's fever powder. In which the different circumstances, wherein that remedy may prove beneficial or hurtful, are considered ... and reason. By Malcolm Flemyng, M.D. ...
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