Justice Heath
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The Whole Proceedings on The Trial of an Indictment against Thomas Walker of Manchester, Merchant, William Paul, Samuel Jackson, James Cheetham, ... to Overthrow The Constitution and...
The Trial of Maurice Griffin, for the Wilful Murder of Thomas Mac Mahon, A Private in the 69th Regiment of Foot, at Woodbridge, in the County of Suffolk, On the 28th Day of August, 1813
The Whole Proceedings on The Trial, Between Mr. George Hayes, a Lieutenant in The Navy, and Mr. Joseph Carter, Laceman, in Lombard-Street, for ... of Common Pleas, Westminster, on Tuesday,...
The Extraordinary Trial of Dan(L.) Dawson
The Trial of the Cause of the King versus the Bishop of Bangor, Hugh Owen, D.D. John Roberts, John Williams, Clerks, and Thomas Jones, Gentleman
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