John Humfrey
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Two points of great moment, the obligation of humane laws, and the authority of the magistrate about religion, discussed together with the case which ... two authors, of the Friendly debate (1672)
A seasonable suggestion arising from the grateful reflexion upon His Majesties resolution, the Lords agreement, and the Commons determination on it, to let the dissenters quietly enjoy that indulgence
Letters to Parliament-men, in reference to some proceedings in the House of Commons, during the last session, continuing to the latter part of June, 1701. ... By a lover of peace and the publick good.
Strictures on a pamphlet, entitled Arguments for and against an union between Great Britain and Ireland, considered.
Peaceable disquisitions which treat of the natural and spiritual man, preaching with the demonstration of the Spirit, praying by the Spirit, ... the reconciliation of Paul and James (1678)
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