John Boys
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The autumne part from the twelfth Sundy [sic] after Trinitie, to the last in the whole yeere dedicated vnto the much honoured and most worthy Doctor Iohn Overal ... (1613)
An exposition of the proper Psalmes vsed in our English liturgie together with a reason why the Church did chuse the same. By Iohn Boys, Doctor of Diuinitie. (1616)
An exposition of the proper Psalmes vsed in our English liturgie together with a reason why the Church did chuse the same. By Iohn Boys, Doctor of Diuinitie. (1617)
An exposition of the several offices, adapted for the various occasions of public worship together with the Epistles and Gospels for each Sunday and festival of the Ecclesiastical year Volume 2
A general view of the agriculture of the county of Kent; with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the ... Improvement, ... with additional remarks
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