Increase Mather
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A discourse concerning the danger of apostasy, preached in the audience of the General Assembly of the Massachusets colony at Boston in New England, May 23, 1677, by Increase Mather. (1679)
A dissertation concerning the future conversion of the Jewish nation. Answering the objections of the Reverend and learned Mr. Baxter, Dr. Lightfoot, ... first resurrection. By Increase Mather, ...
A testimony against several prophane and superstitious customs, now practised by some in New-England: the evil whereof is evinced from the Holy ... writings both of ancient and modern divines.
An essay for the recording of illustrious providences: wherein an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events, which have hapned this last age, especially in New-England.
The Wonders of the Invisible World - Scholar's Choice Edition
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