Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Retrieve the information about Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and his books on the go! Keep your project up to date with the ISBNdb book database searchable via API with 19 data points per book available.
Essais De Théodicée Sur La Bonté De Dieu, La Liberté De L'homme, Et L'origine De Mal, Volume 1 (French Edition)
Discourse on metaphysics, correspondence with Arnauld, and Monadology. With an introd. by Paul Janet; translated from the originals by George R. Montgomery
Gothofredi Guillelmi Leibnitii Opera Omnia Ludovici Dutens V5 (1768) (Latin Edition)
Principes de la Nature et de la Grâce - Monadologie et autres textes
Discourse on Metaphysics: Correspondence with Arnauld and Monadology, with an Introduction by Paul Janet ... Tr. by George R. Montgomery
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