Archibald Lovell
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The military duties of the officers of cavalry containing the way of exercising the horse according to the practice of this present time: the motions ... the chief captain to the brigadeer (1678)
Conversations of the Mareschal of Clerambault and the Chevalier de Meré a treatise of great esteem amongst the principal wits of France / english'd by A. Lovell ... (1677)
An historical treatise of the foundation and prerogatives of the Church of Rome and of her bishops written originally in French by Monsieur Maimbourg; ... into English by A. Lovel ... (1685)
The practical rule of Christian piety containing the summ of the whole duty of a true disciple of Christ. Written originally in Latin by Benedictus ... into English by A. Lovel, M.A. (1685)
The comical history of the states and empires of the worlds of the moon and sun written in French by Cyrano Bergerac; and newly Englished by A. Lovell ... (1687)
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