Alfred E. T. Watson
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The Badminton Magazine Of Sports And Pastimes - July 1907 - Containing Chapters On: Sportsman Of Mark, Horse Racing, Ladies Golf And University Cricket
The Badminton Magazine Of Sports And Pastimes - August 1902 - Containing Chapters On: Famous Sports Women, Duck-Shooting, Horse Racing And Big Game Shooting
The Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes - December 1907 - Containing Chapters On: The Process of Sporting Gunnery, Canadian Salmon Streams, Hunting Dogs and Motor-Racing
Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, Vol. 1: August to December 1895 (Classic Reprint)
The Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes - Volume XII - Containing Chapters on: The Art of Trapping, Big Game Shooting in Rhodesia, Fox Hunting I
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