Saiteninstrumente im archäologischen Kontext: Vorträge des 8. Symposiums der Study Group on Music Archaeology (ICTM), Limassol, 26.-30. August 1996, und andere Beiträge = Stringed instruments in archaeological context : papers from the 8th Symposium of the Study Group on Music Archaeology (ICTM), Limassol, 26-30 August 1996, and other contributions
Full Title:
Saiteninstrumente Im Archäologischen Kontext: Vorträge Des 8. Symposiums Der Study Group On Music Archaeology (ictm), Limassol, 26.-30. August 1996, Und Andere Beiträge = Stringed Instruments In Archaeological Context : Papers From The 8th Symposium Of The Study Group On Music Archaeology (ictm), Limassol, 26-30 August 1996, And Other Contributions Stringed Instruments In Archaeological Context
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